What is: Mother's Day

A close-up of a bird's nest overflowing with colorful eggs, nestled amongst soft green leaves.

Mother's Day – that special day in May when we shower Mom with love (and maybe brunch!).

But have you ever wondered how this tradition came about?

It all started with a woman named Anna Jarvis. In 1908, she held a memorial service at her church in West Virginia to honor her mother, who had dedicated her life to helping others in their community. Anna wanted a day to celebrate all mothers, not just hers, and the idea resonated. Within a few years, states were recognizing Mother's Day, and by 1914, it was a national holiday in the US.

Mother's Day has some deeper roots too. Julia Ward Howe, another inspiring woman, called for a "Mother's Day for Peace" back in 1870. And even before that, Anna's own mom, Ann Reeves Jarvis, organized events to improve health and sanitation – a true testament to mothers' nurturing spirit!

Today, Mother's Day is celebrated around the world. We give gifts, cards, flowers, or treat Mom to a special meal. It's a chance to say "thanks" for everything she does. Interestingly, Anna Jarvis herself became critical of the holiday's commercialization later in life. Maybe that's a good reminder to focus on what truly matters – expressing our love and appreciation for the amazing moms in our lives.

So, this Mother's Day, take some time to celebrate the incredible women who raised us, nurtured us, and continue to love us unconditionally. Happy Mother's Day!

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